The COI Program is excited to announce that we have added a new discloser population to UFOLIO. Staff employees holding a position classified as “Job Structure Category” 10 now have access to UFOLIO and must submit current disclosures of outside activities and interests by September 30, 2021. Job Structure Category 10 consists of managerial employees who are generally lower than full director-level, for example assistant/associate directors and other managerial titles.
All staff employees who must begin disclosing via UFOLIO have been notified of their new access via email.
If you are part of the UFOLIO population and you are encountering login issues, please see this post for assistance.
Need to know if your staff are included in the UFOLIO population? This document (sorted by job code) contains a list of all Job Structure Category 10, 11, 12, and 13 job codes/titles as of September 1, 2021, all of which are part of the UFOLIO discloser population.