Committee and Appeals

Provost’s Advisory Committee

The Provost’s Advisory Committee is a group of UF faculty members and administrators (jointly appointed by the Provost and the Faculty Senate Chair) who review outside activity disclosures proposed to be disapproved for conflicts of interest, as well as other outside activity disclosure requests at the discretion of the Provost or Conflicts of Interest Program staff.  The Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the Provost with the sole purpose of making a recommendation to the Provost to approve or disapprove of requests.  The Committee reviews outside activity disclosure requests and accompanying documentation provided by the COI Program on a case-by-case basis.  The Committee’s recommendations are forwarded to the Provost who determines whether to approve or disapprove of the outside activity disclosure request.


Within 30 calendar days of a disapproval of any request to engage in an outside activity, the requester may appeal in writing to an appeals panel.  The appeals panel includes the Faculty Senate Chair, Senior Vice President for Health Affairs, Senior Vice President for IFAS, and the Vice President for Research.  The panel’s decision will be final and may be grieved in accordance with applicable grievance procedures. To request an appeal, please fill out the below form or send an email to with the same information requested in the below form.

Appeal a Disapproval

Please ensure the employee (discloser) name and entity name match the UFOLIO disclosure exactly.

Date disapproval was issued (must be within 30 days to appeal):(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.