Conflicts of Interest Program

UF’s centralized office for conflicts of interest and outside activity/financial interest disclosure review

how to disclose

Need to Disclose?

UFOLIO is currently available to four populations: 1) Faculty, adjuncts, and postdoctoral associates holding a 0.26 FTE or higher appointment, 2) Managerial staff in Job Structure Categories 10, 11, 12, and 13, 3) College of Medicine TEAMS Physicians, and 4) UFIRST key personnel. If you are NOT in those populations, please use the "Non-UFOLIO Disclosures" link below.

Disclose sign

how to disclose

New! New PDF Disclosure Form Updated May 2023

The COI Program has just released an improved PDF disclosure form with new features, review routing, and electronic submission. The form may only be used by employees who do NOT have access to disclose in UFOLIO.

time for change street sign

What to disclose

New! "Material Changes" Guidance

UF Policy requires that employees update their outside activity/financial interest disclosures when there has been a material change to what they previously disclosed. This begs the question: what is a material change? This resource provides examples of and guidance regarding what is considered a material change.

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Do you have a suggestion for new content on our website? Please send your suggestion to!


Which staff employees disclose in UFOLIO?

College of Medicine TEAMS (staff) physicians and managerial staff members whose job codes fall under “Job Structure Category” 10, 11, 12, and 13 have access to disclose in UFOLIO. To determine if a managerial staff member should be disclosing in UFOLIO, check if their job code is on the list linked below.


What is being reviewed?

This resource provides a list of risk factors that the COI Program reviews for, as well as illustrative examples of types of disclosures for each level of risk.