NEW! UFOLIO Snapshot Views Available

The COI Program has released a UFOLIO patch that now gives all users access to historical “snapshot” views of disclosures. When updates are made to the UFOLIO e-forms, the e-forms on previously submitted disclosures are changed along with any new disclosures. For example, if a required question is newly added on August 1st, disclosures submitted prior to August 1st will appear not to have a response to that question, when in reality the question did not exist when the disclosure was submitted. Or if an existing question was changed after a disclosure was submitted, the e-form will display the new version of the question instead of the version that the discloser saw and answered.

UFOLIO takes a disclosure snapshot each time a disclosure changes stage. These include when the disclosure is submitted (it moves from “pre-submission” stage to “Level 1 Review” stage), when the Level 1 Reviewer (supervisor) completes their review (it moves from “Level 1 Review” stage to “Level 2 Review” stage), and so on.

To see the exact same e-form that the discloser saw and responded to when they initially submitted their disclosure, select the “Snapshots” tab and select the first “Level 1 Review” snapshot towards the bottom of the list of versions.

Screenshot of snapshots tab in UFOLIO