Gary Wimsett, Jr., JD, has been named Assistant Vice President for Conflicts of Interest for UF. In this role, Gary will oversee the further development and full implementation of UFOLIO, UF’s online interest organizer for outside activity and financial interest disclosures. In addition, Gary’s new office will become a centralized disclosure review office for the University.
Gary has been with the UF for a total of 15 years, most recently serving as the Director of Compliance and Conflicts of Interest for the UF Compliance Office. Previously, Gary served as the Director of the Conflicts of Interest Program for the College of Medicine, the Interim Director of the Research Administration and Compliance Office, and as an Associate Director in the Health Science Center’s Office of Contracts and Related Services. For the past 10 years, Gary has been deeply involved in conflicts of interest process improvements and policy development at UF. One of Gary’s latest endeavors consisted of collaborating with UF leadership to redesign the outside activity and financial interest disclosure processes and to implement UFOLIO. On the national level, he is a member of the Steering Committee for the Association of American Medical College’s Forum on Conflict of Interest and is a frequent speaker on COI issues. He was recently named to a national Working Group on Uniform Disclosure Criteria and Processes for scientific journals.
Gary earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Florida College of Law in 1997 and his B.A. in English Literature from the University of South Florida in 1993.
See the original Administrative Memo here: